Thread: Kalitta Air now accepting FO applications

HercDriver130 , 07-29-2015 10:59 AM
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Lets get this straight... NO FE has been forced over here.... if they displaced over .... they came because they wanted to..... I don't know of ANY FE that has been forced to take a right seat job... Now if by forced you mean their seats are going away on the classic.... yea... well cry me a river..... the three cockpit with an FE has been on the decline for 20+ long did they think it would last? As for them coming over WITH their seniority... it damn well effects everyone below them on the seniority list.... as for the PFE pay issue... again..its an insult is what it is.. now they are FOs they should be paid the appropriate FO rate... Also...why should the standard for them being eligible be any less than an off the street hire? It is because of a CBA written again.. by the FEs for the FEs..... time will tell how it all plays out.