Thread: The American Dream Is Slowing Down

sigtauenus , 07-12-2007 09:13 AM
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Quote: Vagabond's comment reminds me of a good book that everyone should read.
Parlay Your IRA into a Family Fortune by Ed Slott. The overall goal is to keep your inheritance working for you and not the goverment.
I've been thinking about this too. Haven't read the book, but have been working on a plan that would allow my estate to give each of my grandkids/great grandkids say $10,000 at birth to be invested. I haven't done the math as $10,000 50 years from now obviously is not what it is today, but take XX amount of dollars given to each child at birth, invested in the market for 60 years, and my estate has ensured that future generations of my family will at least be provided for their retirement. It would have to be structured in such a way as to allow the estate to grow enough between generations to provide that payout to each successive generation, adjusted for inflation, and continue on indefinitely.