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Old 08-18-2015, 09:44 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Feb 2011
Position: Bus
Posts: 60

Originally Posted by Lineslug View Post
How so? I get that you did not move up the seniority ladder as fast as you would have if the rule had not changed, but you also have the option to work that extra 5 years if you either want or need to.

YOU may be an exception, but do you really think that your age demographic will retire at an earlier than maximum age when they are presented with the same scenario as you approach 60? I suspect the numbers staying until forced out will remain pretty much the same. We'll see.
Working an extra 5 years is/was never an option for me... so I got hosed, too! As did many, many, people on our seniority list that were opposed to the age change our Union ended up supporting. I am not trying to make this an age 65 debate again as that train left the station long ago. Please don't allow thread creep on that contentious topic.

Bottom-line is this; it appears the majority of APC followers, crew bus passengers, and AOC popcorn eaters feel that there should be no negotiating capital expended to prevent people from retiring before Peak. If we reach a TA before Peak, the manning issue is management's fault. I hope our negotiating committee feels the same since they speak for me, you, and every other FedEx pilot!
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