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Old 08-20-2015, 10:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Timbo View Post
What work rule did Sam say he was willing to trade? I missed that, but I've been busy working.
This question was posed to Sam on FB:

"I've got a question for Sam Derosa, who is running for ATL Captain Rep. Sam, what do you think about the LCA Trip grab provision in the last TA taking 75% of the LCA trips away from FOs? A good friend told me you told him "I don't think FOs should sit at home getting paid to do nothing." Is that true Sam?

Why should we get rid of "choice?" Why do some people want to get rid of "good deals?" If this is how Sam actually feels, then my previous support for him is dropped. There are certain issues that are important to different groups within our pilot group. This one is important to ALL FOs and junior Captains. Please respond Sam."


Although in Sam's response (below) he defends against selling the LCA line grab it appears he is open to selling it in some form. As we get ready to bring on new reps, it's one of those situations, "speak now or forever hold your peace"...we need to be clear on what we expect before these guys get into office. Read on and you decide.


"I thought the change of the LCA trip pulls in the recent failed TA was a terrible idea. I remember flying with your good friend and I told him I thought it was a terrible idea. I also told him all of the following things behind my reasoning. We also discussed how it probably came to an item for negotiations.

I said if this became a big issue for the company from a manning perspective, I could see how management would seek a solution.

From a public affairs perspective,and a business perspective, it is very hard to justify why it makes sense to pay employees to sit at home and receive full pay. And that I believed there is a sensible compromise solution. I don’t know exactly what that solution is but I’m sure there is a much better solution than what was put in our TA.

And, I said, that if this item were to be modified the value would have to be recouped in other areas of the contract. I also said that as this becomes a bigger problem it creates greater leverage for us to modify this rule to our greater advantage. NOT to the company’s greater advantage.

I will add to what I previously told your friend, I do believe we all signed up to fly airplanes for compensation. I also believe in utilizing everything possible to create leverage to increase our compensation (Pay, Work Rules, Benefits). Both parties approach negotiations needing things. Sometimes you get them, sometimes you don't. What matters is not to have one group of the membership unjustly take burden for the rest. The idea of extracting complete (or greater) value for a particular item is not off limits to me.
Would I be interested in simply giving that away absolutely not. In fact, I voted no on the TA in part because I thought this provision was not fully thought through."
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