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Old 08-21-2015, 11:37 AM
Joined APC: Jan 2015
Posts: 571

Originally Posted by sqwkvfr View Post
I'm not privy to these things anymore....would you be willing to post his latest sermon?

Also, anyone who thinks that Bedford really believes that BK will do anything to solve his labor problems is mistaken. His letter is a massive bluff.
I can't post internal company communications under threat of eternal fire and damnation of my soul. (If I have one left)
He's really taken to a one sided propaganda parade since walking away from negotiations last month. A lot of folks are gonna take the bait since they'll be "off to a major in 6 months anyways".
The bonus bucks dangling out front cleverly conceal some pretty sneaky language that essentially puts all pilots on reserve at the company's discretion, can arbitrarily cancel your assigned vacation, and has several loop holes that effectively nullify our scope clause. We could sublease out our entire fleet.

That's just a few nuggets off the top of my head.
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