Old 08-26-2015, 07:42 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Sep 2014
Posts: 43

Originally Posted by Anthrax View Post
Holy Bat $hit, Wise Man, how about first changing your username! POW! You obviously haven't been out there deep in the shizzle, red-eyed and half doped on coffee. ZAP! Two legs in, and two legs out. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, BAT $hit! Give me pillow or give me death! And now, Gotham City (that would FDX) finds themselves undermanned and under assault. Who will come to their rescue? Wise Man, gaunt and sickly, deft at shredding papers and not so much at shredding @$$? Or will it be the Caped Crusaders (and that would be the pilots, or at least how we see ourselves)? There are dangers! ZING! Perilous turns at every corner. ZOW! ILSs to mins in the goo! ZOIKS! (OK, the zoik is the wrong cartoon, but work with me, people.) Treacherous maids opening doors. BOING! The villainous FAA, and the evil major. MUH-Ha-Ha! Tune in next week, boys and girls, same bat channel, same bat time, to discover if the Caped Crusaders crest the walls of Gotham City. Clear the streets of boxes and letters and lithium batteries? BOOM! Will they stand together upon those walls overlooking the nightscape, demanding just compensation for the dirty deeds of which they are about to endure? Or will they unite with Wise Man and his band of hairy men, lending their strength and good will until the very moxie in the marrow of their bones is spent, and all that is left in the golden years, that final ILS to the lowest of mins, is one final pillow in a wooden box, and a whisper of what could have been.

*slow clap*
That is a crapload of coffee!
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