Thread: Skywest
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Old 09-29-2015, 11:50 AM
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Position: Airplanes
Posts: 134

Originally Posted by Is offline View Post
I love how you make it sound like all of the regional pilots north of you on the senority list are just wasting their time because they are not already at a major.

You are not even done with training and you are 3700 on the list. You have at least 3 years before upgrade if everything continues in the regional world.

If this wonderful shrinkage comes to light that you speak of you might just find yourself stuck in the right side of an RJ for a very long time.

The word at United is the 40 700's up for United are not getting renewed. With those 40 aircraft your seniority went way south. Just a thought....
Is offline is correct. Lots of 700s going away. UA added 25 320s to the mainline fleet which start arriving next year. Ther is a reduction planned of up to 40% regional feed over the next 3 years as mainline absorbs flying back into the fold. Don't hold your breath for much in the way of additional flying. From here on its a downward path.
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