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Old 11-26-2015, 08:26 AM
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Joined APC: Oct 2015
Posts: 78

Originally Posted by dn_wisconsin View Post
I read your post. Instead of encouraging the guy to come over prepared you tell him it isn't necessary. I guess I've never been comfortable doing the bare minimum or telling others it's ok for them to. No one in the training dept looks to wash anyone out, myself included. But with the issues we have been having lately t would be more appropriate to encourage new hires to come prepared. You apparently haven't upgraded yet but if/when you do would you rather have an FO who just got through or a useful source of knowledge in the cockpit. Especially if sh** hit the fan. I apologize if what I said came across as a personal attack. I shouldn't have said it that way. I just didn't like the way it sounded like it was ok for him to come in with the bare minimum studied.

I can relate to your example. I am currently in the hospital myself.

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are home with your family and get to enjoy the day.
It's okay, I have thick skin. I do agree that one should always prepare to the best of their ability before any training. I'm personally not as smart as some of my other colleagues. I try to start hitting the books 2-3 months prior to an event and will also review during long range cruise, throughout the year, if I remember to.

I believe we have a great training department. Failures happen. But more than likely, it's due to pilots showing up WAAAY too unprepared. Scarier part is that they may fly the line like that.

I too should have written my post better. By all means, show up as prepared as you can! But if you find yourself, like me, in a short time frame to reporting to Spirit... Focus on your current job first. Your priority is to get your passangers (at your current airline) to and from safely. It would be silly to get stressed out learning the bus and messing up limitations/SOP's of your current airline. Bend some metal, and you may not have a job at Spirit to come to.

If you find yourself showing up not having cracked a book, it is still doable (although not the brightest idea!) but with a good work ethic, study groups, etc. you can do it! Just remember, Spirit isn't going to spoon feed you.

Then again, like I said before, I'm no super pilot... Maybe someone else is better at learning multiple aircraft.

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