Thread: Compass updates
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Old 01-16-2016, 08:55 PM
Joined APC: Jan 2015
Posts: 988

Originally Posted by pilotwithnoname View Post
Probably so they can build up the demand for CA's and then crank then out when the time comes and tout the "quick upgrade" card again. That would be my guess. No one believes the "quick upgrade" when there are only 4-5 per month.
As long as people understand that the upgrades only come as quickly as captains leave now. With the flow done, there is no more extra attrition due to it.

As for running the floor up to 90 hours, it's because they can. It is always cheaper to offer 150% pay than staff another pilot with all of the extra costs associated with it. You need hard %'s in the contract to prevent that kind of thing. Otherwise it's all an interpretation.
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