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Old 07-30-2007, 01:08 PM
FDX aviator
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Originally Posted by Albief15 View Post
A cadre of small, professional inflight security specialists to help us cope with the growing terror threat. They can ride the jumpseats on every flight and can be armed ala the FFDO program.

To allow max fuel savings and min w/b disruption, they need to have a maximum weight--I'm thinking around 135-140 pounds. They should be VERY fit for the rigorous job, and as such should probably be young...say 18-40 max. Additional duties during flight might include helping with the catering and providing fatigue reducing massage therapy during cruise flight. Also to prevent fatigue, some enroute entertainment--perhaps some exotic dancing--could help keep everyone awake and alert during those critical period arrivals.

To improve crew compatibility issues, crews will be able to swing by "security" offices to select a security officer for flight. These offices will be managed like Jumpseats---there will be a pool of security officers standing by to join crews. Although F/Os will have input, captains will maintain final authority for selection. Non-selected Security officers will remain as reserves for stand-by crews and ad-hoc pairings.

Due to the size, weight, and temperment requirements the logical source for the pool of new security officers will be SFS, VCP, any Scandanavian country, Singapore, and a few other well known hotspots for locating similar talent.

A small cadre of larger Security officers will be available for those captains who do not feel "safe" with a 135 pound or less Security officer. As our mantra is "no one left behind", a few larger security officers (over 200 pounds, six feet tall or better, etc) will be available for our female crewmembers. Duties remain the same, but these candidates will be recruited mostly from Australia or (again) Scandanavian countries.

Who says our flights cannot be safer, more secure, and more enjoyable? I think a unified crew force could certainly make a strong case. Remember--security is in everyone's best interests.
That's more than funny; it's hilarious!
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