Thread: New TSA Thread

Bellanca , 02-12-2016 06:42 AM
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My thoughts on pbs: what do we lose voting it down? The company invested a lot of time and money into pbs, they need it to help with staffing, and it will save them lots of money. If we vote down their first offer, do you think they would just drop the whole idea of pbs? Or do you think they would renegotiate a better offer with the union?

It will be interesting to see what is in this loa. I think pbs would be more convenient than the line bidding we have now, and possibly give me some more control over days off, types of pairings I fly, etc. However it is a concession from the pilot group from the standpoint that the company will get more work out of us for less pay. Unless this loa would make our contract truly industry leading, and/or it contains a commutair type 'flow', it will likely be a no vote from me... Afterall, it is our last bargaining chip until this mediocre contract extension becomes amenable in 2018... and I don't want to just sit back and watch other airlines make big gains while we wait for 2018+ to get here. Not to mention, I really hope the gojet contract is released before this goes to a vote. If our alter ego really gets this industry leading contract that it is rumored to be, and we vote in PBS for some mediocre improvements the joke will really be on us.