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Old 02-26-2016, 04:45 AM
Joined APC: Oct 2014
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Originally Posted by 1stCivDivPilot View Post
Well Nancy, you don't. You keep it unattractive for a little while longer and force mainline to take the flying back. "Regionals" will exist but won't be doing 50-60% of the commercial flying. Even if pay at the regionals was suddenly doubled, it's still years before all the new bright eyed, bushy tailed new pilots will be qualified. The regionals need pilots now.

If you're riding out your regional and not looking to move on, you've decided the crasppy industry is good enough where it's at. You've decided the garbage pay and contracts are enough because of some nonmonetary quality of life gain. You've decided your overall compensation is enough. Why would they consider giving you more?

Mainline will never have a staffing issue. If all the flying was absorbed by mainline tomorrow, they will be just fine for the few years it will take for pilots to get through college and their ATP. People will enter the industry and incur the expense for $70 an hour.

I can't for the life of me understand why these guys would want to preserve something so useless. Every time you make things better at your regional all you are doing is adding another rung on the ladder.
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