Thread: Allegiant Air

dawgdriver , 03-06-2016 12:18 PM
Swimmin' in da pool
Swimmin' in da pool
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Quote: Actually, they DO make enough money to do things correctly. American used to do the heavy checks on all the 80's, but they didn't want to continue paying for that and switched to AAR, or whoever does it now.

As an American mechanic told me once when I picked up a plane from them: When an American 80 goes into a heavy check, they get the Cadillac plan. When an Allegiant 80 went in to a heavy check, it got the Yugo plan.

But even doing things on the cheap, American did a good a job. I never worried about the plan not being right picking it up there like I did picking one up from AAR.
Yes. Allegiant is WILDLY profitable. If I recall correctly, they claimed to be the single most profitable airline (travel company?) in the world last year. Ergo the tragedy.

I was being facetious