Thread: Women in Aviation hiring news

jcountry , 03-14-2016 06:04 PM
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Quote: Let's be honest about the new AA (post merger) we are garbage compared to Delta United & FedEx... Why would anyone put effort into getting hired here with all of the flows, etc plus the worst contract in the major airlines & no profit sharing. With everyone hiring there are much better airlines to go to work for. Yes we have retirements coming and a lot of them. Everything else is a complete mess, our management, contract you name it.

I will have to disagree with you there.

AA has some issues with employee relations, but United is a trainwreck. Mgmt at UAL is absolutely incompetent.

UAL has a pretty good contract, but Jesus Christ, their IT systems still seem to crash every week or two. I'm pretty sure no airline, and maybe no business in history has ever had such awful, persistent, and consequential IT troubles from a merger. Got some serious problems to overcome.

I'll take less-than-employee friendly mgmt. over that stuff any day.

DAL has all kinds of happy campers for now-but they have one old as hell fleet and are giving away all their profits rather than paying for some new planes. Not the smartest move I have ever heard of.

The airlines are (and always will be) a roller coaster industry. You really can't could on anything staying "good" or "bad" very long at any particular carrier.