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Old 04-11-2016, 04:36 PM
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Posts: 540

Originally Posted by squawkoff View Post
When you see that person wearing your coveted Eagle tie why don't you voice your disapproval face to face instead of stating it anonymously on this forum? And start the conversation in person just like you do here, "Hey Douche Bag..." See how that works out for you. Or are you one of those people that is brave behind a keyboard but when it comes face to face your knees suddenly start shaking?
There are a handful of Envoy guys here that are intensely proud of their airline and consider themselves at least a minimum of a step above any other regional pilot. They are AA pilots right now...after all.

Give Envoy the slight in any way in a post, they'll be all over you on this forum like flies to ****. Now, if you were to encounter them in person it might be a different story. They are mostly punk kids with entitlement syndrome who would likely melt like a hot knife going through butter if confronted in the terminal.
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