Thread: Tool of the day
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Old 06-06-2016, 05:11 AM
Joined APC: Jul 2015
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Posts: 757

Originally Posted by Montanaflying View Post
I agree, I've been two legging it for 10 years, we all know the risks, and assume such. But the line, "what's your excuse next time", is pretty douchey. Someone that hardlines a commuter with that BS, in my opinion, is far more toolish. It IS professional courtesy, in due time, what goes around, comes around. I don't take that as a threat or whining. Skywest had every right to the JS, but she is not, in the right. No one is required to exercise professional courtesy, and some, as evident, may not be aware of such things. There will be a time when she will need someone to help her out, and she may not get that help, simple as that, that is not a threat, it's the reality.

My exception is the coarse arrogance of the response, "get a tissue"? Here's one for you, be the adult, be a professional, assume the best of your fellow aviators, don't be a douche about it.

Enjoy your caviar.
come on dude. its her metal...period. What if the engagement party was for her best friend since she was a kid? would it be ok then? should she miss her best friends one engagement party so that some OAL guy can get on a JS? would you?

when i am traveling its for a reason and i will bump anyone off my own companies JS if I need to. And i dont get butt hurt when i get bumped....its like getting mad at the sun for being hot.

come on
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