Thread: Sallie Mae
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Old 08-14-2007, 09:35 AM
Wedge Buster
Line Holder
Joined APC: Oct 2006
Posts: 85

I am just wondering what you count as flight training? Only the time you fly with an instructor? Or do you include all of the money you spend building solo time toward you commercial? Do you have your own plane?

Let’s say you spend $50,000 and end up with 250hours that is only $200 per hour, and that includes: ground time, check rides, pricey multi time, and instructor fees. That doesn’t seem that bad!

That’s why I don’t understand people bad mouthing the big aviation schools ether (not counting ERAU) At Western Mich. and UND you pay about $80,000 and you come out with: Comm/Inst/Multi and a CFI/CFII and a B.S. Plus new aircraft!

It’s not cheep but not a bad deal. All you need to do is apply for instate tuition, which is easy to get all you need is a drivers licence.
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