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Old 08-13-2016, 01:23 AM
China Visa Applicant
Joined APC: Oct 2006
Position: Midfield downwind
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Originally Posted by RJCaptin View Post
bringing an attitude to an interview is the last thing that was on our mind
I can say from personal experience of having not received a CJO from a shop that I really wanted to work at, that sometimes even when you are trying to not show a particular attitude (and have worked hard specifically to avoid it), you can still exude it despite your best efforts.

Interviewers get to interview every day; they've seen a lot of different people and heard a lot of different stories, and have a good sense of detecting what someone is about during that hour-long conversation. That's even if the candidate has done interview prep and polished themselves into a good "pageant" facade.

We, as interviewees, only get to interview a handful of times over the course of a career. Regardless of how much game we think we have walking into that panel interview room, we are not as good at the game as the interviewers are. Like lambs to the slaughter, usually.
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