Thread: Reserve

H8Flying , 08-15-2016 04:58 AM
Line Holder
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I'm legacy US. Everything subject to change with PBS and single FOS Oct 1st as we transition to the American way. I bid early RAP's as CLT A320 Capt to avoid late night/Red Eye flying but as a result I get called nearly every day. How many days you have on doesn't really matter if your RAP fits the trip they are trying to fill. Lots of scheduling abuse and FAR 117 difficulties and that will only increase as everyone tries to figure out our new single operating system. Late RAPS like 2100 get used less but be prepared for phone calls between 2100 and 0900 am. There may be sweet spots around the system, like A330 reserve in CLT but crew planning usually figures it out to spread the flying around more equally and increase utilization. In general it is a lousy lifestyle in the twilight of my career.
