Thread: Mesa 3.0
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Old 09-22-2016, 06:16 AM
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Joined APC: Jun 2015
Posts: 120

Originally Posted by cbrittle View Post
Many of the current hires are under an employment contract with large penalties for early resignation. Once this period passes I'm not sure how Mesa can resemble anything of its current size and capacity in the industry.
Many of the current hires need to assess their situation. I took a penalty on my contract, but if you look at how much I have to gain by leaving and letting them have some money.

I am thousands and thousands of dollars ahead.

Also, if you think you wanta leave, why wait?

This industry is built on Senority, Senority, Senority. If you are waiting to leave because you think you might save a few bucks,

What's it worth to you down the line?

Senority allows you to have choice on equipment, bidding, bases, etc... Every month you stay somewhere and don't go,is 30-60 in front of you, if you do ever decide to move on.

A downturn will come someday, things change, would you not want to be closer to the top of your list than the bottom, at any time for any situation?

If Senority at Mesa is getting people what they want, by all means stay. Yet from what I see Mesa has historically been at the bottom of pay and compensation since day one and I saw no great reason over and beyond that for staying when I worked there.

Remember, "Past Performance is indicative of Future Performance"

Mesa will offer a few crumbs soon, they will have to. Hopefully those of us who leave are helping those left behind. JO made it quite clear he's happy with the way things are going, so he will always offer the least he can and hold out the longest. He's not talking about how close he is to receiving Food Stamps and he never will. His concern is his next Ferarri.

New Guys need to get smart real quick and evaluate the situation.

Either pay what you owe or don't. I keep a copy of my W-2 from last year and a few pay stubs. I take took them on interviews with me.

When asked, "Why are you leaving", I state, Great People, Great place, but take a look at these.

Not one, one, has ever said they couldn't understand why I am interviewing with them.
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