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Old 09-24-2016, 05:55 PM
Fats Schindee
Line Holder
Joined APC: May 2016
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by Opteryx View Post
Well, yes, that's why I asked for the frame of reference in the OP from the perspective of a new hire, and of course it's nice to get some idea how that can change within the following months and years (with the understanding that a lot depends on who's flowing out the top and in the bottom).

1 TFP = how many dollars (since we can't seem to agree on the kind of math)?

Depends on seat and longevity to get to dollars. Multiply $/tfp to get $/hr:

First year FO, for example (using current pay, not the new TA2 pay), is:

$50.17 / TFP
Which, when multiplied by 1.149, gives you an equivalent
$57.65 / hr

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