Thread: Mesa 3.0
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Old 10-30-2016, 07:16 AM
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Joined APC: Apr 2016
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by Rob12345 View Post
The Promisory Note shouldn't scare anyone, for so many reasons..

It's unsecured debt, ever know anyone who defaulted on a credit card? The US does not have debtor's prison. But staying at Mesa making the extremely low wages will have you defaulting on other debt and living horribly. If they want to collect, ask to make arraignments first, in writing, then pay the $500 for an attorney if needed, for them to make arrangements for you. If you bargain in good faith, they are gonna have hell getting much else outta you. It's all on a signature, unsecured debt is the best kind.. : )

The Promisory amount is not really that much in the larger schem of things, every month after your check ride the amount you owe goes down. The first note everyone signs was for $12,500 over a year or so (you can look up exact numbers, I've done left so approx works for me) the CTP if you need it is for $5000 over two years, approx $17,500 total if you left within the first 30 days of your check ride. Ever month you have stayed over that lessens the amount you owe, if you are worried about paying it back...

You seen the Bonuses being offered?

If you want to pay it back, pay it back with the bonus $$ from the next gig. AND you will still be light years ahead. You will be making a better hourly wage, affordable healthcare, and other goodies depending on where you go.. Commuter hotels, better travel privileges, etc...

If it still bugs you, go see a Lawyer and get his advice, most will see you initially for free and then even if you have to pay them a few hundred dollars, you are thousands ahead on your next gig...

Also, in this world Senority is everything, What's it costing you to not pay Mesa off, if you so desire...? If you are going somewhere with a flow, every class you wait is that many in front of you and that much longer till you flow.. it's worse bases, less equipment offerings and schedule choices, etc... You are costing yourself every single day you stay...

Your a Pilot, supposed to be smart, do your own research, talk to others who have left early (not someone who knows someone or on an annonimus forum), get the copies of your contract out, figure what you would owe, Get your Big Chief Tablet out, a calculator and number 2 pencil and start crunching numbers....

Why not live a little better till you can build up the resume to move on? Or go somewhere with a flow opportunity to have a back up, or be a better place to be if you get stuck there...?

Mesa is really a good deal for the price, you get 121 training, you get some time in the 121 world, some jet time.. write it off as a training expense, you have paid for training at sometime right...?

Look up Eagle Jet and see what they charge for time...

Mesa was your stepping stone, if it bugs you too much leave
and if not that's fine too, Enjoy.
Well said! Let me add...if your pulling from savings to make ends meet, a wife or relative is helping financially, aren't you already spending the money to payback the loan? You're just paying bills instead of Mesa. Also, if you give 45 days notice the balance is reduced by 50%. That $17,500 payback just became $8,750. Lastly, from a tax preparation perspective, the amount you pay back may be considered unreimbursed educational/training expenses. Usually, amounts over 2% of your AGI can be deducted. May result in getting a big check back from the IRS. I may be wrong on the last part so speak with a CPA. The bottom line? It may end up costing you very little to leave Mesa....the government is going to pay most of it.
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