Thread: GoJet Info
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:27 PM
On Reserve
Joined APC: Nov 2016
Posts: 18
Default What is going on?

Originally Posted by bkey79 View Post
Everything is status quo and going pretty well. Hasn't been any rumors of pay going up, but the company can raise FO pay without having to negotiate with the union. I'm sure for now they will keep upping the bonus, but who knows.

You can message me, or there's another guy here that posts that has a lot of new info as well. I'm sure he'll chime in soon!
Was offered a class and then received an email stating it was cancelled and that they company requested to not contact them and I would be contacted when assigned a new class. Rumor is that no classes were cancelled, anyone have any clue what is going on. To be honest everyone I met there seemed really sincere and straight forward so I please enlighten me Gojet people. I reached out to them but no reply. Clean background, no busts, prior 121.
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