Thread: New Envoy Information

rondonq1 , 12-06-2016 06:14 AM
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Quote: Good Morning Eaglefly. You've been absent of late. Are you finally out of rehab now?

Our schedules are absolutely horrible, worst of I have seen here but we are not having anyone leave because of them. Anyone here outside the top 350 lifers are and will be pursuing better opportunities regardless of the schedules. No one comes to a regional with the expectation of spending 20+ years there (like you did). Young pilots today will spend less than 10 years at a regional and move on to spend the majority of their careers at a major, retiring as a mainline captain. You know, sort of like the exact opposite of your career.
Are you sure flamesky that no one has left for these schedules? Do you have inside information? Where have you been my friend? So much of this year we could see you on here posting a big defense for Envoy each and every day. Of how they were so good, the best ever, and everybody upgrades in two and half years and flows in six or less. Where are you and your poster friends in the defense of Envoy now? I see many, many bad posts here with no response from you. That behavior is not normal amigo. Have you seen the light and figured that the company is not what you say it is?