Thread: Shooting at the FLL airport

CBreezy , 01-07-2017 11:11 AM
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Quote: Depends on which state you're in.
That's not true at all. It doesn't matter what state you're in. Even if you're in a concealed carry state, like Texas, very few people with them go and hang out in baggage claim with their gun. The vast majority of people in airports just got off a flight. The odds that someone in baggage claim is there with a gun because they are picking someone up are so incredibly low, it's probably near zero. Especially considering most people wait in cell phone lots now.

Unlike malls or movie theaters or other soft targets, airports are not destinations. People go there for a purpose and often spend as little time there are possible. There is no deterrent value in concealed carry in airports. Now, plain-clothes police or Marshalls? That's a different story and where this discussion should be going.