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Old 01-08-2017, 08:35 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Apr 2015
Posts: 40

Originally Posted by CBreezy
So let's talk about a hypothetical, since we are so excited to allow everyone and anyone to carry inside a terminal. We are going to ignore the fact the Joe Paranoid can walk into a concealed carry class and with almost no skill or fire arms training or background walk away with the right to carry concealed.

Let's say this happens again: You have a gun and hear gunshots. So, instead of sheltering in place or leaving the scene, you start running, gun drawn, toward the action. You come around the corner, see a guy shooting and open fire. The guy you are shooting at turns to shoot at you. You both exchange shots, missing of course because even highly trained federal officers have a relatively low accuracy while firing under pressure. Then you get shot yourself. When it's all said and done, you firing into a crowded area and missing (or even hitting) has created even more casualties. Also, you shot another guy, a "good guy" who was just returning fire from the bad guy. The police show up, since they are in the terminal anyways patrolling in plain clothes and in uniform, and shoot all 3 of you because no one knows who is the good guys.

That sounds like it would have saved a lot of lives.

You nailed it.
Funny, how I have never met a concealed carrier that doesn't have the confidence to act appropriately in any circumstances. They all see themselves as Clint Eastwood.