Thread: L-ASA (ExpressJet CRJ side)

Bozo , 01-30-2017 05:54 AM
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Quote: It sounds like you're salty about other people's success because you either can't or don't want to move on elsewhere.
If someone makes the choice to move on that's great. The choice should be theirs and not ours.

My point is 2 fold. Everyone's situation is their own. Today there are so many variables for pilots. Every situation is as different as each pilot is different.

Point 2 - a pilot that has very little time in this industry to be giving advice is childish. Worry about yourself not someone else. You wouldn't want someone telling you how to be a CPT would you.

Tata junior

P.S. my financial situation will blow yours away. I've been very very fortunate in my career/life and the reason I stay where I am is for the quality of life.