Thread: jetBlue Hiring
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Old 02-09-2017, 04:03 AM
Joined APC: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,122

Originally Posted by AtlCSIP View Post
Ladies and gentlemen currently at JetBlue,

Many of us understand your frustration with the current state of JetBlue and the ensuing negotiations, but would appreciate if you would relegate those topics to the appropriate threads and reserve this one for hiring information. Please understand that this is not an attempt to minimize the current situation, but to emphasize that there is a time and place for everything. Most who come to this thread are looking for hiring information, in many cases because they understand what is already occurring, but want to be a part of making Blue a better place for the future. There are enough other threads pointing out the negatives that including such information here is really not necessary. Please relegate those comments elsewhere.

Those of us looking for a job for almost a decade.
A guy not flying for Jetblue making policy for Jetblue pilots. You'll fit right in! Welcome aboard!
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