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Old 09-14-2007, 10:50 AM
Mr Spooner
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SAABaroowski View Post
Hey Spooner, speaking of airlines that hire people with little time, I had guys in my Colgan class that had like 70 multi and this was two years ago.........................when 1000/100 as pretty much the standard

Here we go again. I am not saying Colgan has not hired low time. If you want to start a thread called "Colgan upgrade down to 13 months" I would leave a post stating expect street captains at Colgan (they are coming).

My initial point was when airlines start to lower their minimums too low, upgrade availibility will be an option. It is simple math that if you hire at 300-500 hours it will take some time for them to have the required hours for ATP, no less upgrade.

Kind of funny SAAB, you are known as the Colgan basher and I am being known as the Colgan lover. Just goes to show how to people can have two totally different experiences at the same place.

And for the record I do not love Colgan...I like the pilots I fly with and I like flying the Saab. Mgmt does not bother me and pay is not bad when you can fill your belly each month on open time.