Thread: Air Wisconsin
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Old 03-01-2017, 06:48 PM
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Joined APC: Apr 2007
Posts: 67

Originally Posted by daOldMan
Yup. We chose a career where we have a great deal of responsibility and make more money for it.

But, if you cut that working guy from 5 days a week to 4 days a week, thus cutting his pay, and blamed him for needing the money that he is willing to work for, then you are part of the problem.

Cutting everyone back to minimum guarantee is not acceptable. For the average captain, you are taking about $800 a month out of their bank accounts.
You chose a career and knew what the pay was when you took it, if you took a job at a bank you would prob never get overtime. You have been lucky to have it, be glad you work at an airline that pays 75 guarantee, there are several that don't. Guarantee is just that , you aren't promised anything more, you haven't taken a pay CUT you have been lucky to make over the guarantee. If there was a promise of more then guarantee would be 100 hours.
If you were at a major you would be making more per hour, so staying at a regional is a pay cut too?
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