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Old 03-05-2017, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by SUX4U View Post
I'd like the throw up the commuting is 100% by choice BS flag here. Not everyone has the freedom to uproot a family to move to base. Technically, yes it's a choice but it very well could yield horrific consequences on ones personal life (hint... divorce. Not like that isn't common in this industry).

Some examples of the "choice" not really being reasonable... You make your wife quit her good job that is not transferable, move your kids that are in middle/high school that are deeply rooted with friends in sports, school activities, etc, move away from family members maybe some with special needs, illness or in their later years of life, disassociate you and your family from long term friends and the social life that comes with that.

If one has the ability to uproot and not face the consequences of one or all of the above scenarios, that is fantastic! Enjoy the job even more so living in base. In the meantime people like myself will continue to commute to enjoy the stabilized life I have. I don't believe commuters should be looking for sympathy or special treatment, but a little bit of understanding as to why people can't just up and move would be appreciated.
Again, you are talking about making a CHOICE to not uproot your family. The company isn't forcing you. I completely get it and commuted for a while for some of those same reasons. But at the end of the day it's your choice. The company will pay to move you to be within 200 miles of your domicile. I love that we have that flexibility with our jobs and we already have a number of contract items addressing commuting and protecting it. If someone chooses to bid every upgrade the moment they can and spend most of their career commuting to reserve, they shouldn't complain on forums about how bad it is. (Not directed at you, just saying in general)

Downsized, fleet changes, displacements and back on reserve, that's the companies choice not the pilot.

I have yet to meet a local domestic reserve who doesn't think it's a great gig. I know many relatively senior people who bid reserve during the non peak months because they usually average one trip per month or less and pick up SCs every chance they can. Could it be better, ofc but it's the best I've seen in my 20+ years at UAL.

WB guys being rolled into days off, that's a different story.
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