Thread: What's happening at Horizon and Jets?

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flyinpigg , 03-06-2017 05:45 PM
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    I don't know???
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Ok, here's some relevant info. If you have managed to read all 135 pages of this thread and you are still undecided about Horizon, I'm worried about your reading comprehension. I think the common thread in any Horizon discussion is............

Don't come to Horizon if you have career ambitions beyond QX.

If your ambition is to work for Alaska. Go to any other regional, get your time, apply to Alaska. Working for Horizon will delay or derail your path to Alaska.

On that same theme, if you want to move on to any of the other legacies, Horizon will more than likely delay or derail those dreams too.

The only people who should apply at Horizon are the very few who have a spouse with a great job, live in the PNW and want a hobby job. Period.

Horizon is where flying careers go to die.

This is in no way a knock on the crews who work their collective asses off to give the Airgroup their massive profit margins. Some of the best people you will ever meet or work with.

There! That is some constructive advice!