Thread: jetBlue Hiring
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Old 03-30-2017, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by pilotpayne View Post
But I don't understand how you guys missed this? In my 5 years here we had our healthcare changed, or "peer group" changed so they didn't have to pay us more, our premium pay trigger removed and a huge (until VA) record yes vote for a union. Again not trying to be rude but what were you guys looking at? I know I defend the company on stuff like planes and crap like that but why would you ever trust management?

Look things will get better but this is nothing new at JetBlue it is a tier 2 airline right now and most likely will be for a long time. Things worked because either nobody else was hiring or you could grab a fast upgrade and the majors were in trouble. Times have completely changed and will again a few more times during our careers but I don't think you can blame the "blue juice" for not knowing what was going on here. Heck I remember about 10 years ago thinking one of the NC members was crazy to go to JetBlue because how bad the 190 pay was. That was 10 years ago.

It's fine that you guys are trying to educate people so they are not fooled like you were but you also need to watch what you complain about like the lodge policy was made to punish guys for the union vote. It's like reading infowars people will just block that and not trust what you are saying. Just present the facts, they are on your side.

I think one other thing is we all sit at the regionals and dream of going to a major where they don't have the same problems, we get there and bam it's just another freaking airline. I have friends (yes shocking I know) at almost every major and while they love the cba or the pay it's still an airline with the same problems as every other one. They all have melt downs they all have evil crew schedulers and so on. What saves them is a cba which does not give the company the room to screw with them as ours does. That will soon be fixed here.

Since I took Latin and not Spanish I will leave you with.

Caveat emptor
I had high hopes when I saw a long thought out post from you... but then I read your rationalization that this is a tier two airline so really we should just manage our expectations. Really??

Look, I came here knowing we were in negotiations and there was a long way to go. I understood the work rules weren't the best. I read up on the "benefits." But you can't FULLY comprehend how bad the work rules are until you experience them yourself. It's astounding how poor the work rules are here.

I came here optimistic that we'd negotiate a solid industry leading contract, and I still expect that. I didn't expect that working conditions would devolve on a monthly basis right from the start. Thank you for the lecture, however. I'm sure that gave the readers at LSC and OSC the warm and fuzzies.

And yes, I'm also aware every other airline has issues. I was aware of the constant IROP debacles here. I'm also aware maintenance has taken a SERIOUS turn for the worse here in the past four months or so (which honestly deserves a thread of its own). Instead of rationalizing, we should strive to be better.

Honestly I'm just floored at how quickly things keep getting worse here. Very hopeful this ship gets turned around ASAP because I'd rather not leave.
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