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Old 04-19-2017, 01:22 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Feb 2015
Posts: 83

Originally Posted by ZapBrannigan View Post
Ok ladies and gentlemen,

Enough is enough. For years we have listened to the escalating sophomoric chatter on guard. It is only getting worse. We are a captive audience, forced to listen to this garbage. Worse yet, ATC is listening as well. At the very least these childish back and fourths block the frequency for someone who might really need it. They prevent it from being used to locate aircraft who have missed a handoff. But I think most importantly, it is an unprofessional distraction that paints us - all of us - in a bad light.

I would like to call upon all of you, Captains and First Officers alike to do something simple. If your flying partner is screwing around on guard, tell them to knock it off. It's childish. It isn't funny. We can joke around all we want in the cockpit, but transmitting our amateur comedy for the world to hear is destructive.

If someone mistakenly calls ops on guard. Just let it go. Nobody needs to have a hair trigger to correct them. They will figure it out when they don't get a response. But just as bad as those that are spring loaded to shout "guard" are the copycat comedians that have to chime in too, ultimately ending in some stupid crack about Delta or "Dad".

Grow up. And demand the same level of maturity from those you fly with. If you agree, copy and share this post to your social media. Hopefully we can put an end to this practice.


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You sir must be new to the internet! Cry baby rants like this only make it worse. It's probably flame bait though. If it is, touche!
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