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Old 04-22-2017, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Baron50 View Post
Did anyone notice the female FA offering the women something to drink as she was crying? This FA was doing the human thing, trying to console the passenger. She may have also been the FA that offered to stow the stroller in the first place. This is only part of the whole story that we Monday morning quarter backs just don't know.

Obviously the airlines need to do better explaining the rules to this hyper sensitive society that do not understand there are places they need to follow the rules. That they are jammed into a small aluminum tube with too many physiological challenged people that can in an instant exhibit misbehavior, and without any way to escape once they are airborne.

The Captain (with little authority on the ground by policy) probably arrived late to the event and was doing exactly as he was trained, assessing the situation and allowing the customer service employees to deal with it. That was until it appeared violence was imminent, he then used the minimum force necessary to deescalate by physically holding the bald FA from going totally berserk and separating the potential combatants. For his effort, Mary Schiavo, the CNN incompetent aviation consultant accused him of lack of leadership. Shame on CNN for allowing her to spew her anti-pilot venom. Why do they use this vile so called aviation expert, with a proven record that she has no clue to the industry?

It looks like this FA will need a little anger management training and maybe a time out, but who knows where this will go with all the lawyers starving for business. I am sure United management is breathing easier.

Excellent assessment of the situation. I was eye rolling hard watching Schiavo bloviate on CNN this morning after getting in from a red eye. She's a joke.
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