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Old 09-22-2007, 05:37 PM
Inside DEENA
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Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB View Post
Dude - you're one of those guys that'll demand a 50K salary for flying a B1900 and just laugh as you watch the company go under. Get out of Fairlyland, or wherever you are and see what exactly the industry now is - that is the argument we're having now...

It's so easy to say we're under-paid because we should be making more, isn't it? You talk as though the pay should magically appear tomorrow, without a fight.
So, who's going to help you with that fight? SAPA? Yea, right. Teamsters? Ask the Republic guys how good their contract is. ALPA, although no guarentee, WILL help you with that fight. But only if your pilot group is unified enough.

Maybe that's the real problem. All you nay-sayers at SKW are selfish, me-me-me types who really don't get it.

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