Thread: Union response
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Old 05-10-2017, 05:37 AM
Joined APC: May 2017
Posts: 163

Originally Posted by FlyingOkra View Post
What's up Jyri? I remember this conversation we had complete with broken English.
Guys/Gals im on your side for getting a raise. I fly for a major US carrier and did my time at a ULCC. The point im trying to make is have realistic expectations. You are at a ULCC and profitable bc of the lower wages than the legacies. Remember this goes far beyond the pilots. The office folks are paid and stafed at a much lower rate as well as gate and ramp personel. If they were to go in and raise wages to UAL or DAL wages for all workers the ship would sink just do the math. The pilots contract alone would cut over 1 billion in profits out of the company over 5 years. Throw in all the other employees wage increases in and you no longer are profitable. Thats the point of being a ULCC and being able to price flights cheep. A big airline makes a much smaller profit but does it on a massive scale with infinit routes so they can offset the smaller margin. I have numerous buds still at Spirit and they went their knowing it was a stepping stone and are getting out. You want big airline wages go to a big airline. When you were hired you knew what Spirit was so to say its a legacy comparable with wages is just an absolute blunder.
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