Thread: CommutAir Rumors and Info

PotatoChip , 05-20-2017 06:43 PM
Layover Master
Layover Master
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Quote: lol I remember my first regional too. A new hire can have a line in less than a year and upgrade in 18 months or less (from zero time.) There are only a couple of regionals that can boast that. Those that think C5 isn't a freaking incredible opportunity either haven't been in aviation long enough to understand that a regional is a regional or would be the ones to complain about QOL and work rules at a major.

CPP a joke? Ask our 20 pilots that have gone to UAL via the CPP how much of a joke they think it is.
Well, let's see, I spent six months at $2000/month, have been at the company eight months and haven't even finished IOE yet, and now I am being forced into CQFO. The chief pilot told us in new hire class, "You're all senior pilots already, you just don't know it yet." When in fact the company has suspended hiring, I've actually LOST seniority, and the union allowed an LOA for more CQFOs. Pilots are routinely being extended 3-4 times a month because we have a useless contract. People say some things are gettin better, maybe they are, but I have only seen worse each month. I honestly hope for improvement.

So, after 15 years in this industry, yeah, I can say this place is looking not so stellar. You can sell it any way you want. There is little to attract anyone to come here right now. If I was 25 I'd HAPPILY choose a better regional and wait an additional two - three years for upgrade and I readily urge people to do so. I understand why people came here in 2016, but 2017 is a whole new ballgame, and it's already looking worse.

A lot of the people are awesome, and I've made some great friends, but that's not paying the bills. This place has a LOT to do before it's better. As far as the CPP, it's a good opportunity, nothing more. There are other (see better) airlines that are also now offering it. That said, the AA wholly-owned option may be even better. Choose wisely.