Thread: Mesa 3.0

CWHCFI , 06-14-2017 04:49 PM
Line Holder
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Not worth it.
Quote: I'm voting yes. I want that money in the short term. At my longevity, it's about $500 more a month, which equates to $6,000 more a year. I don't expect to be here more than another year or two. If this thing gets voted down now, there likely won't be another TA for two more years, looking at the glacial pace of negotiations. That's $12,000 I would be losing out on.

I'm sorry but this is Mesa and we're always going to be bottom of the barrel with JO at the helm. Take what you can now, and do your best to find employment at a better airline in the meantime.
I am willing to miss out on the increase to stand our ground to the contract we deserve. Voting in something that gives a pay increase just to lower in a couple of years is morally wrong. This is not about one person. This is about an entire work group. The fact that there is nothing done on health care should warrant a no vote. I understand that our pilots need more money, especially new FO's. But this is not the way. STAND UNITED!