Thread: Class dates

ANGFlight81 , 07-26-2017 03:42 PM
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Quote: Personally, I don't use for anything other than domicile seniority snapshot. We are hiring far too many for this to show any accurate information using 1-2% numbers. Besides, these percentage points aren't referring to the airline growth, they're referring to our seniority list growth. Until that stabilizes, it's anyone's guess.

Here's what I do, and maybe some math major can correct me, but I take a WAG on total pilots on seniority list by a specific date in near future and then adjust growth rate to meet that number, and take a snapshot. For example, I've heard things like 11,000 pilots by 2020. I guestimate the growth rate until a date chosen on that chart matches with around 11,000 pilots, then you can have some idea of where you'll stand if that happens at that point.

One thing is for sure - timing is everything.