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Old 10-10-2017, 08:13 PM
Islandhopper85's Avatar
Joined APC: Mar 2017
Position: I fly at CPZ, need I say more?
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by GoHomeLeg View Post
I think you are forgetting that a line holding FO can bid to fly more if they wish.

If they're on reserve and worried about building time so they can upgrade they will have plenty of time to build time while they what their turn on the seniority list.

If they were trying to fly more to make money the pay raise now makes it so 75 hours now pays what 85 used to - take that money and enjoy some days off for once.

If you want to split hairs, the real people hurting first officers are other first officers bypassing upgrade so they don't have to sit reserve as a captain. Report their names to the union.
Hey home boy, how about this. I’ll make it really simple. If I see a captain sitting in my seat I will plaster your name over everything my little FO hands can get on to make you look like the “toad sucker” you are. Keep your a** in your seat. The union is 100% right on this one. And as I spent unfortunate time in that little place in Daytona everyone (including myself) hates. I can say with pretty high confidence you may be one of those little scrubs. If not, your personality fits right in with their arrogance.
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