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Old 11-14-2017, 04:28 PM
Joined APC: Jan 2013
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by Blackhawk View Post
Yeah, TM was a piece of work. Unfortunately it took time for us to realize it, then more time to get rid of him. I knew something was amiss when I asked why we were not following ALPA National bylaws and US Department of Labor laws on reporting MEC leadership pay and was attacked for having the temerity to do so and was told that his pay was none of my business. Huh??? Well, we found out why he was blocking things as a merger would have jeopardized his gravy train.
He's no longer on property and I think we have very good leadership now who has the interests of the pilots ahead of his own. He was a pretty good CP as well. If you ever have the chance to meet him or hear him talk do so.
Unfortunately, it may be too late to save the ship.


He did great damage to this great company. Several others are to blame and some that allowed it to happen. Never blindly follow a union or any of it's "leaders". It's a shame what we allowed to happen.
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