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Old 03-02-2018, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucking Bar View Post
So, about everything your wrote is wrong.

Every State with an aviation hub has a similar tax break and as you know the State already enjoys collecting sales tax and a portion of facility fees based on passenger enplanements.

The fuel tax applies to everyone and will effect Southwest also.

What should be considered is that Georgia's taxes now result in the tax burden, per passenger, being about 250% of what American enjoys over in Charlotte, NC.

You should also recall North Carolina's bathroom bill which American came out firmly against. The Legislators threw a hissy fit, but had sufficient control of their emotions not to shoot their golden goose in retribution.

In Delta's case, the NRA was using Delta's logo in promotional materials. Delta has absolute control over their logo and right to use it (even if only 13 tickets were ever sold under the program).

The irony of this action stands out:
  • Citizens United was a decision which supported the right-wing position that Corporations have the same free speech rights as individuals. Compelling speech is a violation of the First Amendment. Ostensibly conservatives respect the Constitution
  • The Democrats were for the gas tax and the Republicans against
  • The tax is anti-corporate
  • The tax is government meddling in the free market
  • The tax attacks about 100,000 Georgia workers in aviation (far from just being a Delta thing)
  • Georgia Republicans used public money to try to intimidate a corporation (or Citizen as Citizens United would have you believe)

There are already calls for criminal investigation of Casey Cagle. When does a campaign contribution from the NRA become a bribe?

To the extent that Delta becomes more efficient than it's competitors through fleet renewal this cost increase becomes an advantage. However, making Georgia an expensive place to fly benefits Charlotte and other competing hubs

Wrong? So delta cant threaten to terminate me for exercising my freedoms to expressing or behaving in ways counter to the managements agenda?

Delta was free at anytime to withold/draw nra involvement...absent contract binders.

State legislatures are also free to grant/not grant economic subsidies.

The timing and reasons for those decisions are also self determined. As is the choice of how and how wide it is announced.

Seems pretty simple to me. Idk....Between being wrong and ok being wrong i guess.

Last edited by BobZ; 03-02-2018 at 05:32 PM.
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