Thread: The best I could hope for

Making it Count , 03-07-2018 07:15 AM
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Making it Count
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So I think I have a plan figured out and I was just running it by you guys to see if I have completely missed something or if my plan seems pretty solid. First off QOL is the determining factor for me (wife and 2 kids right now but probably more in the future, kids not wife that is lol). I currently live in AZ. I flight instruct and plan to start interviewing for a regional job in about 6 months to a year. I know that a lot can happen in that time so that’s why I ask.

My plan is to hopefully get hired at PSA. Move back around the Indiana/Ohio border where I grew up (approx. 1 hr from Dayton). Family lives around there and with me being gone it would help the wife and kids. I Hope that I get based out of Dayton which seems to be very reasonable since it seems to be a junior base almost always. My questions are as follows.

1. Would Dayton ever not be a base since PSA is established there? Is it reasonable to think I would have no issues thinking I could do my whole time at PSA from there even directly out of training?

2. I believe SCR is 2hrs correct? If so is a one hr drive short enough to get to base and where I need to be at the airport if called upon?

3. Even if number 2 is a no. Putting myself on hot call not that big of a deal with how close I live?

4. I know this a highly opinionated question but im going to ask anyway. Putting yourself in my shoes is PSA and it’s new contract going to be able to change in such a great way that I would not want to follow through with my stated plan and come there to work?

My other options would be Compass or Mesa which I really don’t want to do for many different reasons. Both of them have a base in PHX now and I wouldn’t have to move but I live about 2 hrs from there and usually those bases are senior or will be by the time I would get there (compass being new and all). That puts me at commuting at least for a while.