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Old 03-15-2018, 11:21 AM
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Joined APC: Nov 2016
Posts: 209

Originally Posted by Lahey View Post
I think the point he's trying to make is that there has been substantial progress over the past few years from what it was. Give it time, it'll improve. It doesn't happen overnight.

Pro tip: Don't plan on anything beyond base pay for your day to day life, if you do, you'll be disappointed when things such as triple prem disappear.
You are dead on. And that’s exactly what I was Saying. I’m so happy none of the new hires have to to struggle like we did. And wait for a 5 year upgrade. I don’t understand why someone would leave to another regional when upgrade here is so fast. Haven’t exactly been following the industry, but I did not know Fo pay was better than ca pay at another regional. Place has done a 180 and of course it’s going to get better.. it has to or no one will come here. Rather quickly I would Imagine. Have nothing but respect for everyone here.
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