Thread: CA Shortage Critical

AZPilotMike , 04-24-2018 05:20 AM
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Quote: Not to beat a dead horse any further into the ground, but I know for a fact that myself and a lot of other FOs in my position would be busting our butts to get into the left seat if it was something to be desired. The pay raise is a freakin pittance and QOL immediately tanks (for longer too), oh and now you're the one with the company and passengers breathing down your neck and everyone looks to you for the answers.

The way this company treats its pilots is such a joke. Good grief, the foreign pilot mill flight school that I used to work at was better than this. This type of management/operations relationship is NOT something you should see in a profession of this caliber. The only other time that I've been part of a work group that was treated like this was working on a factory floor building RVs. We really shouldn't put up with this.

I know "this job is a stepping stone" and "just get your time and get out", but that doesn't mean it has to be a ********y place to work. That's a stupid justification and is really just letting the heads off the hook when you say something like that. Look at Spirit. They just turned into a much bigger career destination than they used to be. You'd have more lifers, better recruits to select from, a happier work group, better experiences for the customer, etc, if life was improved here. That's how you grow a company; not with signing bonuses.

If this stepping stone becomes the slimiest one around, people will stop stepping on it.
Well said and I agree with almost all of it, except the part about lifers. Envoy doesn't want lifers because like most things, they don't want to pay. I am sure the math has been done and they know exactly how long to keep you employed here so as to maximize your benefit while minimizing your overall financial impact on the company.