Thread: So what is the newbie training washout rate?

NeverHome , 05-04-2018 03:34 PM
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Quote: Read the stuff you wrote about TSA training. There’s nothing factual there, just excuses. You didn’t get to practice flows in GFS? That’s what the rest of the 20 hours of the day is for. All the stuff about Houston and guys being sent there doesn’t matter, you were in Stl and still couldn’t complete it in time. If you don’t complete it properly, your schedule will change and you will get different instructors or seat mates, that’s at all airlines. That’s not TSAs fault. As far as the sim sessions at 20, I mean who’s to say you would have passed PSA if it was your first go at airline training? You even said the learning curve was too steep for you at TSA. TSA helped you pass there for sure.
For me: I’m a TSA CA. Second regional. My new hire initial training was garbage. For the record I passed in the minimum sims, and first time around.

The first ground instructor just clicked through the slides (indoc stuff). Second guy didn’t know squat about systems. First guy is no longer at TSA, second guy doesn’t actively teach ground.

Sims in Houston. Holy crap Batman. That was the worst. They would intentionally tell us wrong info because they thought their approach was better. My sim instructor was removed from the certificate because his very high failure rate.

My first IOE instructor was doing it for the cash and gave zero [MOD EDIT]. Second IOE instructor was actually phenomenal. He knew how to teach and was interested in seeing my development.

So ya, TSA varies widely in training experience