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Old 05-04-2018, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by suddenimpact View Post
Definitely not happy with the "status quo". Been working on the union side for decades to make things better for guys like you to come to Atlas complain, attack fellow members because they don't applaud the latest Poobah's repeatedly failed strategy tried elsewhere and then watch you leave for UPS.

You got that right, but we do have a cult like following started here!

Well, I don't really consider the main ones leaders in the union sense. More like gang leaders. They do what they want, they do not know what "duty of fair representation" is, they have removed most access for the members to be heard (such as the union forums), used outside resources (facebook) for communications so they can censor and ban members which would be against the bylaws/constitution if it was on property, have used their committees ordering them to go after members for not voting their way on bylaws, etc. So, "Who stabbed who first?"

I was brought up thinking the union was supposed to be there for all the members and not to leave anyone behind. This current administration doesn't. They work on the idea of eating our own first. Makes the rest of the gang feel good that they can abuse our own since it's harder to move the company on a contract. They have worked guys up to the point some have been taken hostage by the company and got fired. Just collateral damage in their eyes.

As union members, we have to be thugs at times to make a point. Just being thugs doesn't make us a union.

It's been a while. Kind of forgot where we left it.

  1. You shopped around at 1224 legal to take action against me were they said paraphrasing "If it's the truth, we can't do anything".
  2. Then we had a kumbaya call where you threatened to turn me into the company for harassment after #1 above if I wouldn't stop bringing up the issue at hand. I capitulated hoping we could get back to real union business and get along.
  3. You and some of your supporters then made it up here on these forums that I turned you in for harassment of a FA to the company when it was actually a flight attendant's complaint that did it. Funnier still, many of those same supporters participated with the FPL bylaw and voted for the FPL bylaw since you couldn't keep your transparency campaign promise. Thanks IP tracing! It keeps everyone more honest and outed.
  4. You took part as one of the ExCo on a P2P call in which the committee was told to go after the FPL bylaw supporters and specifically me by name along with Bob's slandering of us.
  5. I got publicly investigated along with a number of identified supporters initiated by the ExCo and their supporters for various charges after the FPL amendment passed under our direction in which everyone was exonerated but that wasn't mentioned out loud by you guys on the ExCo.
  6. I think there were other threats of suing, rants of me being a liar, saying I'm fake by you and some of your remaining supporters etc, but that kind of falls back to #1.
  7. Forgot to mention that the union wasn't there for a few others and me lately using the emergency number. So much for "Duty of Fair representation". Can't say if it was withholding of union services, lack of coverage by paid volunteers or incompetence. Checked the last LM-2. Another record year for flight pay loss expenses. Luckily not the same tremendous increase started at the beginning of the Kirchner Administration you started with.
So, what is your latest threat to me?

You shouldn't be so mad. This info will make prospective pilots stay away from Atlas as the many other posters under your direction have posted.
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Could you please knock it off with the conspiracy theories. Union Leadership has far more responsibility than those who sit on the side line and B!tch. If you had a spine you'd have put together your own slate to fix the problems that you see, but that'd be too much work on your part. You are actively impeding our progress.
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