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Old 05-12-2018, 07:29 PM
Gordie H
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Joined APC: Apr 2015
Posts: 534

Originally Posted by queue View Post
Absolutely not! The enemy is relying on your expressions of true humanity in order to exploit it. If a murderer commits a murderer 30 years ago, does law enforcement forget?

Your definition of being practical is the same as being foolish. BJ is simply executing their playbook. Don't ever forget that they would fire you for anything - it's just business to them. You are just a number. Don't personify them. They are not people - they are acting on numbers and other market forces. You are expendable. The ONLY way to influence management is to fight for your worth.

Management is not "giving" you anything - you are earning it. And if you don't receive what you earned, they are stealing from you.

Again, have respect for the profession. A professional doesn't act happy or sad just because management throws out a carrot (which it's not even a carrot in this case). Either way, you are a puppet and they are pulling the strings as evidenced by your thought patterns. Management at any company will never reciprocate the way you want to. Everything they do is calculated, strategized, consulted on, and administered by lawyers. Negotiating with your heart and other things that make you human is just being naive to how the corporate world really works.

I personally think that canceling the informational picket was a big mistake only equaled to stopping the bombing of North Vietnam after Linebacker I & II because N. Vietnam cried uncle from heavy losses. They took advantage of this pause and ultimately it was one of the many reasons we lost Vietnam. In the corporate world, don't forget about Enron, Amazon's workforce exploitations, numerous airlines that killed passengers and pilots by unethical maintenance practices, FoxConn's (Apple) suicide nets, Monsanto poisoning the world and lying about it, and so on. These are not good people - these are corporate killers who don't care one iota about you. If you think the way you are advocating, we WILL lose this battle and the war for the industry.

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Bless your heart Sir
Gordie H is offline