Old 05-15-2018, 05:45 PM
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Joined APC: Apr 2015
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Originally Posted by Mustache View Post
1250 TT (need 1500), interview end of the month with 4 regionals (more if i call back and schedule), moving to base wherever it is, prefer northeast bases (CVG, PHL), building time quicker than most (10-12 hrs/day for 3 days a week then maybe an extra 10-15 hrs total for the rest of the week, may be increasing soon). I want to upgrade and move on quickly, and I am very into the SAP that PSA has. Very confident on the interview, read all the gouges, don't care about flow but its a nice fallback.

I hadn't quite understood the intricacies of the Reserve Rules until TallFlyer (i think) explained them to everyone. BTW Tallflyer that post was awesome, anymore info like that would be greatly appreciated by all im sure.

Its not the big simple factors about PSA, or anywhere, im trying to get info on. I have friends there, I've asked the all these questions also. Im looking for anything I may not have heard before, again, like the complex factors of the reserve rules previously mentioned. I have read the thread on SAP, and know moving into base will solve most of the worlds reserve problems, and that flow is decreasing, you may not get your 1 year bonus when you expect to, etc, etc.

1. Stability

2. Upgrade Time (including time on reserve and how easy it is to fly more than the 75 if possible, or where I may find postings of each bases critical flights) Also I do have the most up to date seniority base list May 18

3. Bases (I will be trying to live in the northeast/midwest, preferably in a decent size city, thats relatively affordable so CVG or PHL are best bets)

4. Routes to fly from particular bases (I want to enjoy it, I'd love to do some canada and carribbevn, etc.)

5. Schedule (SAP)

6. Now that i am hearing a lot of negatives about ALPA, id like to learn more about the union

7. Travel benefits (seemingly PSA or AA WO's are the best)

-im now understanding PHL is where most of the international flights fly out of, so for me that would be a huge bonus, however philly isn't exactly known for being the best city (yes every city has its parts...)

8. Other IMPORTANT factors i may be missing

-why do people say PSA's contract sucks?

-anything else about why people hate the Reserve Rules or do people just want to complain because they hate reserve altogether?

-no family no kids, jut a whiney gf who's coming along for the ride

these are not necessarily in order of priority

Thanks for all the input everyone. Basically im 95% going to take PSA over anything else, i just want to understand as much as possible before going in. Unless something huge arises that I didnt know before

Awesome man

1) Stability - Right now the plan is for PSA to 150 planes. We are getting Envoys 700s and have 15 900s that are coming in 2019. We will start to retire the 200s in some point in the near future. But as of the the way things look, PSA will check your stability box.

2) Right now PSA is senior manning upgrades. Upgrades are immediate for those have the requirements to upgrade, but in your case with no 121 time, expect easily over a year. These force upgrades is creating movement on the FO side but keep in mind, you'll be displaced to one of the outstation bases of CVG, DAY, ORF as someone mentioned once the company says it's time to upgrade. Which will bring me to my next point.

3) Bases - This what made PSA attractive for me (I live in ORF and I choose PSA before they even announced the ORF base). If you are looking to live in CVG, you'll be set since you could make both CVG and DAY work as bases for ya as they are 2 hours apart. Live northeast of CVG, your set. Plus CVG and Day our jr bases. PHL is still a new base along with ORF. It will take a few months for things to shakeout.

4) I will leave this for someone who been flying the line for a while to answer, but I from what I have heard, we have some good overnights in Florida, and South Carolina. We do fly to Canada, but no where in the Caribbean. I believe Key West is the closest. We had Austin and San Antonio Texas, but mainline has those now.

5) SAP is the best thing since slice bread but who knows how long it will be around much longer.....

6)I will leave this for folks who have been here a while

7) All the WOs have the best travel bennies out of all the regionals because we travel in the priority group as AA mainline folks. Plus it isn't seniority based, it's based by who checked in first with the clock starting at 24 hours prior to the flight. So there is no super senior guy coming in bumping you off of your commute flight 1 hr before departure. Let me remind you, American has other hubs that has international flights as well for travel.

I am on the tail end of training, feel free to hit me up with any questions that you have.

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